Setup Linode Volume Storage with Terraform and Ansible

First, setup a Terraform provider as described in Simple WordPress setup with 1Password, Terraform, Ansible, and Docker on Linode. Then add the following to

resource "linode_instance" "foobaz" {
  type            = "g6-nanode-1"
  image           = "linode/ubuntu22.04"
  region          = "us-east"
  tags            = ["foobaz"]
  authorized_keys = [var.ssh_key]

resource "linode_volume" "foobar" {
  label     = "foo-volume"
  region    = linode_instance.foobaz.region
  linode_id =
  size      = 10

resource "ansible_host" "foobaz" {
  name   = tolist(resource.linode_instance.foobaz.ipv4)[0]
  groups = ["foobaz"]
  variables = {
    volume_mnt = linode_volume.foobar.filesystem_path

Note that the image above must be specified or the volume cannot be created (it will return a 400 error).

Now create disk_demo.yml playbook:

- name: Setup the filesystem
  remote_user: root
  hosts: foobaz
    - community.general.filesystem:
        fstype: ext4
        dev: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].volume_mnt }}"
    - ansible.posix.mount:
        path: /mnt/storage
        src: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].volume_mnt }}"
        fstype: ext4
        state: mounted

Setup inventory.yml with

plugin: cloud.terraform.terraform_provider
binary_path: "./"

after creating as described in Simple WordPress setup with 1Password, Terraform, Ansible, and Docker on Linode. Run ./ plan and then ./ apply if all is well.

Run the playbook: ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml disk_demo.yml